yasuyuki ishiiarchival jacketsize free 着丈 61cm / 襟高 4.東京銀座販売買取 his works have been exhibited at fashion shows in europe, usa.ボタンの質感など90'sデザイナーの感性の光る一枚です深みのある紅なので黒に驚くほど良く溶け込みますデザイナーズの洋服に合わせやすいかと思います宜しくお願いいたしますyasuyuki ishii began his career as an artist before becoming a fashion designer. and then began working in the fashion world.メンズ hungary, mainly in paris, he has also had shows at the fuga gallery in budapest,,c. he first gained attention and awards for his objet d'art,5cm / 肩幅 42cm / 袖丈 62cm / 身幅 50cmレアカラーのジャケットですフラップの厚さ、ジャケット・アウター recently,ヤスユキイシイ he had a show at the smithsonian institution in washington d. although his creations are unique and elaborate and not suitable for mass production,ファッション and at the central museum of art.カテゴリーファッション > メンズ > ジャケット・アウター商品のサイズfree sizeブランドヤスユキイシイ商品の状態未使用に近い he has always had an enthusiastic fan base.